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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Homonymns and Homophones

In linguistics, a homonym is, in the strict sense, one of a group of words that share the same spelling and the same pronunciation but have different meanings.

A homophone is a word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning.

These are words that are spelled differently and have different meanings, but are pronounced the same.

Can you think of any more?  Can you draw a picture that shows the different meanings of the words?
ad (a commercial)  add (a sum)aisle (a walkway), I'll (I will), isle (an island)
ant (an insect), aunt (a relative)
aye (means yes), eye (what you see with), (yourself)
ball (a round toy), bawl (to cry)
band (a musical group), banned (not allowed)
be (to exist), bee (an insect)
bear (an animal), bare (with nothing)
bite (to chomp on), byte (computer term)
boar (an animal), bore (give birth or to make bored)
brake (to stop), break (to damage)
by (next to), bye (saying when you leave), buy ( to  purchase)
capital (head od a state or upper case letter), capitol (government  building)
cellar (basement), seller (person who sells)
cereal (breakfast food), serial (in order)
choose (to pick), chews (to grind between your teeth)
clauseclaws (animal nails)
colonel (an army official), kernel (a piece of corn)
creak (a noise), creek (a small river)
cymbal (an instrument), symbal (a thing that represents another thing)
days (one part of the week), daze (daydream)
dear (someone that is special to you), deer (an animal)
die (to pass away), dye (to change color)
doe (a female deer), dough (a flour mixture)
fair (light coloring, equal, or a place with rides), fare (payment)
flea (an insect), flee (to run away)
flour (what bread is made of), flower (part of a plant)
forfour (a number), fore (a golf term)
gnu (an animal), new (not old), knew (to have known)
grate (slice into pieces), great (large or good)
groan (a noise when hurt), grown (to have gotten bigger)
hair (on your head), hare (a rabbit)
hall (a walkway), haul (to pull or carry)
hay (what horses eat), hey (a saying)
heard (to hear), herd (a group of animals)
higher (up further), hire (to employ)
hoarse (no voice), horse (an animal)
hole (a pit), whole (all of something)
hour (time), our (belonging to us)
idle (doing nothing), idol (a thing that is worshiped)
in (not out), inn (a place to stay)
knight (a royal guard), night (not day)
knot (tied together), not (excluding)
know (to be familiar with), no (not yes)
knows (to be familar with), nose (body part)
lead (a metal), led (to bring something somewhere)
loan (to let someone borrow), lone (by itself)
made (created), maid (a person that cleans)
mail (letters), male (a boy)
meat (a food), meet (to come together)
mind (your brain or to listen to), mined (extracted)moose (an animal), mousse (for hair or a dessert)
morning (in the AM), mourning (a time of sadness)
muscle (body part), mussel (sea creature)
naval (belonging to the navy), navel (belly-button)
nay (no), neigh (sound a horse makes)
none (nothing), nun (a religious woman)
oar (for rowing), or (instead of), ore (a mineral)
oh (a saying), owe (to have debt)
one (a number), won (to get something for winning)
pail (a bucket), pale (light colored)
pain (hurts), pane (w indow part)
pair (two), pair (a fruit), pare (cooking term)
patience (to wait), patients (people seeing a doctor)
pause (to stop), paws (animal feet)
peace (not fighting), piece (a bit)
peak (the top), peek (to look)
pedal (on a bike), peddle (to sell)
plain (ordinary), plane (what you fly)
poor (no money), pore (skin opening), pour (to dump liquid)
pray (to speak to a God), prey (a victim)
prince (royalty), prints (paintings or finger marks)
principal (school), principle (main)
rain (weather), reign (to rule)
raise (to lift), rays (beams of light)
rap (to knock or music), wrap (to enclose)
read (words), red (a color)
right (correct or not left), write (put words on paper)
role (a part in a play), roll (to push or tumble)
sail (boat), sale (a discount)
sea (a body of water), see (look)
sew (to create), so
shore (the beach), sure (positive)
slay (to kill), sleigh (a snow vehicle)
soared (flew), sword (a weapon)
stake (a piece of wood), steak (meat)
steal (to take), steel (a metal)
suite (a luxury room), sweet (sugary)
tail (animal part), tale (story)
tea (a drink), tee (a golf ball holder)
tense (nervous), tents (shelters for camping)
their (belonging to them), there (a place), they're (they are)
threw (to have thrown), through (finished)
totoo (also), two (a number)
toad (frog), towed (to have pulled)
vain (self-centered), vein (a blood vessel)
waist (your middle), waste (to throw away needlessly)
wait (stop), weight (measurement)
wear (to put on your body), where (place)
weak (not strong), week (time)
your (belonging to you), you're (you are)