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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Important Places in London

The Tower of London is one of the most important attractions in the city. It was built by William the Conqueror in 1066 with the purpose of controlling the Thames and making impossible the access of enemies from the river.
Buckingham Palace is the home of the British Monarchy. It is wrapped by black, ornate, wrought iron fences decorated with gilded, royal medallions. The greatest tourist attraction is the changing of the Guard ceremony that takes place in the forecourt of Buckingham Palace.
Cabinet War Rooms are an important relic of the World War II. This is where crucial decisions were made regarding the war strategies for campaigns in Europe and North Africa. The Map room and the Cabinet room are the most important places, and these are preserved just the way they were during the World War.
Houses of Parliament and Big Ben are the most popular sights at Westminster in London. Big Ben is the most famous symbol of London, and it can be found at the end of the Parliament building.
Tate Britain can be found south from the Parliament and it has a vast collection of British art from the sixteenth century to the present day. Many famous artists such as turner, Constable, Bacon, Blake, Gainsborough and Hockney are displayed here.
Covent Garden is famous for its shops and restaurants. It is a really fun place to be, and shoppers can find really exquisite items they won’t find elsewhere in London.
The Temple Church was built by London’s “Inns of Court” in 1185. Recently the temple played a crucial role in the hugely popular novel Da Vinci Code.
The London Eye was built as part of the UK’s Millennium Celebration and it became very quickly one of the most popular attractions in London. The Eye is the largest observation wheel in the world, offering great views of the city both day and night.
The Imperial War Museum is about the United Kingdom’s history in the First and Second World Wars.
Oxford Street is the main shopping district in the City of Westminster with more than five hundred different shops, where tourists can find just about everything they would dream.

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